What features and which occupants will endure?

Victor Hwang referred to an “ecological systems” point of view in his article recently published in ‘Evonomics.’[1] But he was referring to ‘organizational management’ as it relates to business and the economy.  The phrase however is intuitively engrossing and has convinced me to revert to my earlier post, Reefs’ names reveal either prominent features or…

Reviving the Dravuni Dialect

In the previous blog post, “Benefit from the Exhibition Continues,” published on 12.02.17, had referred to the two planned publications arising from the ‘Dravuni: Sivia yani na Vunilagi – Beyond the Horizon’ exhibition. The illustrated publications are based on the legend: ‘Tanovo and Tautaumolau’. The Dravuni children provide the illustrations. The publications are essentially children’s…