Dravuni Development Committee

DDC Chairperson Panapasa Pone

DDC is the peak body in the village as regards development of the village and of the villagers themselves. Its membership comprises men and women of Dravuni who are residents both on Dravuni and those who are working and living in Suva and in other centres on Viti Levu, Fiji’s biggest island. Amongst its membership are representatives of the church, Dravuni women and the youth. Other development committees, e.g. school and tourism, all report to the DDC.

The DDC operates in parallel with the ‘bose vakoro’ (village council). There are overlaps of issues between the two bodies. However, a workable division of labour has developed over the years, and there is unity in their co-existence. For 2010, the Chairperson of the DDC is also the Turaga ni Koro (village headman) who plays an influential role in the ‘bose vakoro’.

Ramalo (Chief) and village elders are not members of the DDC but they occupy privileged places as observers whenever the committee meets.

DDC’s work is in accordance with its 2007-2011 Five Year Development Plan. The Plan’s principal sectors for development include: Education; Health, Safety, Community and Spiritual Life; Tourism; Agriculture and Fisheries; Transportation; Power/Electricity/Energy; and Others (Art and Craft, Women’s Development, Investments and Dravuni Day).

DDC and the Tourism Sub-Committee have worked together to ensure effective water storage and reticulation and adequate washroom facilities for tourists

DDC Suva advances work of DDC


For convenience, the members of the DDC resident in Suva and in Viti Levu are collectively referred to as DDC Suva. Those resident in Dravuni are referred to as DDC Dravuni. DDC Suva provides the bridge to government, the business community, the NGO/NSA and other agencies in Suva and elsewhere. It also provides technical and strategic advice to the DDC.

DDC Suva met on Friday, 26 February 2009, to identify and finalize the priority development projects for 2010. This exercise benefited from the views expressed and the various criteria discussed by the whole DDC on 28 December 2009 (see DDC Update, Posting on the ‘Home’ page on 31 January 2010.)

The various projects for 2010 vary in size, costs and complexity. Some involve a range of stakeholders and authorities in Suva, and one in particular involves a major and important stakeholder outside Fiji.

One involving the University of the South Pacific (USP) is to do with an MOU to be signed and which will guide the conduct and operations of the USP-owned Dravuni Research Station on the island. This Research Station will host researches in a number of disciplines including: marine science, sustainable development, environment, education at the community level, waste management, climate change, biodiversity, coral reefs, tourism, eco-tourism, micro-enterprise, management of marine areas, community development and Astrolabe lagoon.

That involving an outside agency relates to the proposed construction of a new pontoon, to replace the existing one, and which will facilitate embarkation and disembarkation of tourists visiting Dravuni on cruise liners. Below is a picture of one similar to that being proposed for Dravuni.


8 Comments Add yours

  1. Akuila says:

    Bula vinaka Tutu Tavola,
    Just browsing through this blog i tend to understand more about Dravuni. I guess this blog is an interesting and at the same time has informative source of information about Dravuni. Its would be interesting if you could also touch on the linkage between Natusara, Dravuni & Buliya. For me the History portion of this segment is amazing. I hope we have somebody from Buliya apart from my Uncle (Asesela Waqa) who also have some history information about the island that can be documented and shared with the present Generation.

    Akuila Masi

    1. Sue Bunt says:

      Hi visited your lovely island late last year. Would like to send some resources to the school and have lost the mailing address. Can you please forward a mailing address that will get these resources to the school


      1. kaidravuni says:

        Bula vinaka Sue,
        Thanks for your comment. Much appreciated. Mrs Eta Qereqeretabua is your contact. She can be reached at 34 Kabara Street, Samabula, Fiji or by email etaq@connect.com.fj
        Please revert should you have problem.
        kind regards, kaliopate

  2. seremaia Tovola says:

    Sa duatani ga nai rairai ni yanuyanu na nodra na turaga na ramalo

    vinaka vakalevu

  3. kaidravuni says:

    Bula vinaka Seremaia,

    Vinaka na veitokoni. Dravuni always beckons, and I feel elated and uplifted when visiting, even for a short time. To decide however on visiting and to drop all that ties me down in Suva, is invariably problematic. But that is not a good excuse!

    Ni sa moce mada

  4. BOUARAT Viviane says:

    Bonjour Ta tavola,
    je tiens à vous remerciez et vous encouragez pour l’avenir de nos enfants du village et aussi pour la préservation de nos cultures et de nos richesses. Je trouve formidable ce comité de dévelloppement par la suite Je voudrais faire parti du comité DDC Dravuni à distance et pouvoir vous apporter mon aide mon soutien. Merci de m’informer si cela est possible ou pas.

    Dans l’attente de votre retour, je vous dis à très bientôt.


    Viviane BOUARAT

  5. Kuliniasi Seru Savou says:

    Totoka nai vakamacal ni sema kei Dravuni kei Matuku. Au gone ni Natokalau mai Matuku dau kacivi talega ko Nakabaji. Vinaka vakalevu.

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