Kaidravuni.com Revitalisation

All that has happened in the world in terms of pandemic, climate change calamities, economic ups and downs, rising geopolitical tensions, with effect from 2020, have had their various adverse ways of impacting plans – be they state, corporate or personal. Kaidravuni.com has certainly had its share of adversities – in some unexpected and inexplicable…

Translating Poetry into Fijian Language is No Mean Feat

 The uploaded video records my reading of the Fijian version of Vunilagi, a poem I had penned in English and posted (see Poetry). Vunilagi is the Fijian version of horizon. The overlaying picture is taken on top of Natute, the highest peak on Dravuni – an andesite plug, 110m high. The photographer is looking south…

A new poem has been added to the archive…

Check out the Poetry page for select poems written by Kaliopate Tavola since 1980. The newest poem to be added to the archive is Vunilagi… Vunilagi  Once With toes in the wet sand I could see it – with the innocent lens of a sun-baked village lad It was all around me I was imprisoned by…

The innocence of youth!

A new poem for the Kaidravuni Poetry archive! First Date In retrospect It was an anticlimax But I couldn’t have done it any other way I didn’t know how I finally got the courage To ask a girl out to the movie – for the first time Mid-way through secondary school Coming from a family…

A new poem

A new poem has been added to my Poetry archive. Loss of a Grandfather I sat at a distance from Natavasara Alone A smooth rounded stone On the foundation of Nukucagina – the adjacent ‘yavu’ Provided a perch for self-reflection At four years old I didn’t understand the protocol I saw however Groups of adults…