Contemporary Dravuni

The oldest person on Dravuni is Alumita Molivou sitting here with daughter Lanieta. Alumita was born in 1917.

From Pandanus to Mat



Mat weaving is alive and well with the Dravuni women. Pandanus, whose leaves undergo a series of treatments and processing before they transform to mats, grows well on the sandy and volcanic soil of Dravuni.

Pandanus plants whose leaves have been recently harvested

Clumps of these strange-looking plants with their striking aerial roots can be seen on the flat strips of land on both sides of the island. Their long green leaves edged with prickly thorns to frustrate the uninitiated, are harvested and their thorny edges stripped away.

The last drying before combing, carding and weaving

This marks the start of the transformation. Not only skills, competence and nimble fingers are needed for this traditional art. But large doses of patience as well.

The finished product



The ways of the fishermen and fisherwomen have adapted and re-adapted over the years, but some things just don’t change.

Casting is relatively new, but it can be a lonely affair.
The rod-casters, the modern breed of fishermen, enjoy the moments with their catches
Whilst the tools may have changed, de-scaling fish on the exposed rocks at low tide when evening beckons is never outdated
Fish wrapped in leaves for the ‘lovo’, earth oven, makes for a tasty delight


The first catechist posted to Dravuni, Ilai Tuilawa, was way back in 1875 – a year after Fiji’s cession to Great Britain. My great grandfather Simione Ravana was the first kaidravuni catechist to be posted out of Dravuni in 1885. The Methodist Church has been the mainstay for the spiritual life on the island for generations. The following pictures tell their own stories.

Cross on rock

“Rock of Ages, cleft for me,

let me hide myself in thee;

let the water and the blood,

from thy wounded side which flowed,

be of sin the double cure,

save from wrath and make me pure.”       (Church hymn)

Church interior – flowers, banners and pews

“Here, I sit

and contemplate:

your precious gift of life.

Living it is a delight.”

Hands clasped in prayer

“Lord, make me an instrument of Thy peace,

where there is hatred, let me sow love;

where there is injury, pardon;

where there is doubt, faith;

where there is despair, hope;

where there is darkness, light;

and where there is sadness, joy.

O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek

to be consoled as to console;

to be understood as to understand;

to be loved, as to love;

for it is in giving that we receive,

it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,

and it is in dying

that we are born to eternal life.”   (Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi)

Sere – Hymns

“Let earth and heaven combine,

Away in a manger:

Hark! What mean these holy voices?

O come, all ye faithful.”

Bible in church


with a ribbon as divider:

‘Dravuni Methodist Church’ is etched in gold.

May its words bring all and sundry to the fold.”

Flowers on altar

“It may be odourless,

it may be unrefined:

but colour is resplendent;

all glory is thine.”

Lace in church

“White for purity,

laced in red.

Your precious blood –

you freely shed.”

Shield for MYF

“A shield for your glorification,

in brass for all to see:

what is critical

is commitment for continuity.”

Bottle and pews

“Ema once wrote:

‘church can be thirsty work’.

But once replete with grace,

You’d be amazed!”

Old pews outside church

“Old and discarded,

but remain unmoved.

In twosome they’ll stay

if Christ is the way.”

Old cross under repair

“An occasional paint is the order of the day:

But carry your cross for life –


Bible collection on a corner shelf

“Unportentous it may seem;

but a weekly dusting is guaranteed.

Where reasons end,

faith becomes the mainspring.”

Rock v church wall

“The Lord’s our Rock, in Him we hide,

a shelter in the time of storm;

secure whatever ill betide

a shelter in the time of storm.”    (Church hymn)


14 Comments Add yours

  1. Hello,
    I was so happy to find your blog. I still have Dravuni in my dream-image since 1991 when we sailed there.
    If you remember the Swedish yach “Aziza” you may remember that Gustaf and Bodil were the owners and that myself Henrik and Bodil´s daughter Susanna stayed at your wonderful Dravuni for many days and nights. We were invited to the chief of the island and we were officially invited to the sermon in the church.
    I remember that one of the islanders had, a long time ago, lived and worked on swedish mercant ships and new our hometown, Stockholm, well.
    Both Bodil and Gustaf has left this life but they live again for me when I see your lovely picture and words.
    I remember that Gustaf, who never danced, danced with lovely Dravuni ladies at the welcoming party for us..:-)
    I will keep reading your blog.
    God bless you!

    Henrik Linder

  2. Mme Bouarat viviane says:


    1. kaidravuni says:

      je vous en prie

  3. Samu says:

    Sa rairai vinaka nomu yanuyanu kei na nomu koro Kalio. Ratou loloma tu yani e Palmerston North

    1. kaidravuni says:

      Thanks for your comment and best wishes.

      1. Kitione Toroca says:

        Totoka dina qai vakaciriloloma…sa duatani ga na kai yanuyanu….Dravuni ni Turaga….sa dau kune ga vei kemudou na kena dina
        kalougata na i tikotiko vakaturaga
        loloma levu
        Kitione Toroca
        [Kai Galoa]

  4. kaidravuni says:

    Kitione, Thanks for your comment. I have been remiss recently in posting new articles and photos. My apology to you and others. I hope to step up another gear soonest to upload more delightful island morsels, of which I have plenty.

  5. seremaia Tovola says:

    Sa totoka na nomudou yanuyanu na turaga ni natusara

    kalougata tiko

    S Tovola
    Boy ni cevai

  6. kaidravuni says:

    Bula vinaka Seremaia,

    Thank you for your comment. Much appreciated. Keeping the island pristine is not easy with environmental degradation, trash and waste mismanagement, fires, deforestation, over-fishing etc. It is almost a losing battle. I suppose it all comes down to education, education and education.

    Ni sa moce mada.

    1. BOUARAT Viviane says:

      Tout se résume sur l’éducation…c’est bien dit!!!
      Merci Ta Tavola

  7. KT says:

    Alumita Molivou, above, died peacefully in her sleep on 22 June on Dravuni. She was buried the next day. 95 years old. Her legacy to the people of Dravuni is obviously hard and honest work and clean heart and mind make for a satisfying life. Moce mada Nei.

    1. Kathy says:

      September 14, 2012
      My deepest sympathy to the family of Alumita Molivou. May they find peacefulness in their memory of Ms. Moivou life among them.

  8. kaminieli adiselai says:

    vinaka merci bocoup

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